Checklist (59.18.260) – If the landlord requires a security deposit from the tenant, this form must be completed and signed after reviewing the current condition of the premises.

Fire Safety (59.18.060(12)) – The landlord must inform the tenant of the types of alarms and safety guides inside the rental unit prior to move-in.

Mold (§ 59.18.060(13)) – Landlords must furnish tenants with information (approved by the department of health) regarding health hazards associated with mold exposure and how to control/prevent mold. This can be delivered directly to tenants or posted in a public area at the property. (Suggested material – A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home.)

Nonrefundable Fees (59.18.285) – Any fees that are not refundable must be clearly detailed in the written lease agreement.

Security Deposit (§ 59.18.270)- The tenant must be made aware of the bank name, institution, and address of the branch into which their security deposit was transferred.

Name and Address (§ 59.18-060(15)) – Tenant must receive the name and address of the person in charge of the property (landlord or manager).

Lead-Based Paint – Landlords looking to rent a house/apartment constructed prior to 1978 must provide the prospective tenant with this Federally-mandated disclosure form.


Maximum – There is no limit to the amount a landlord may charge for a security deposit at the beginning of the lease.

Returning (§ 59.18-280) – The landlord must give back the deposit, and all funds associated with it, to the tenant within twenty-one (21) days after they move out.


Except for emergency situations, the landlord must provide at least two (2) days' notice before entering a tenant's property (§ 59.18.150).


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