Aspect-oriented requirements engineering: a roadmap

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It has been five years since a Vision Paper at the Requirements Engineering Conference in 2002 laid out an initial vision for As-pect-Oriented Requirements Engineering (AORE). This vision included objectives such as offering better means to identify and manage conflicts arising due to tangled representations and identifying the mapping and influence of crosscutting requirements on architecture, design and implementation artefacts. Since then a number of AORE techniques have been proposed in literature. In this paper, we review these techniques and discuss whether and how effectively the original AORE vision from RE 2002 has been realised so far. We also discuss how the original vision needs to be extended given our improved understanding of AORE challenges and present a roadmap for the next five years as a chal-lenge to both existing AORE researchers and those planning to pursue work in this area.


J. Araujo, J. Whittle, D.-K. Kim, "Modeling and Composing Scenario-Based Requirements with Aspects", Int'l Conf. Requirements Engg. (RE), 2004, IEEE CS, pp. 58--67.

E. Baniassad, S. Clarke, "Theme: An Approach for Aspect-Oriented Analysis and Design", Int'l Conf. Software Engg. (ICSE), 2004, IEEE CS, pp. 158--167.

E. Baniassad, P. Clements, J. Araujo, A. Moreira, A. Rashid, B. Teki-nerdogan, "Discovering Early Aspects", IEEE Software, 23(1), pp. 61--69, 2006.

F. P. Brookes, "No Silver Bullet -- Essence and Accident", in The Mythical Man--Month: Addison-Wesley, 1995, pp. 177--203.

R. Chitchyan, M. Pinto, A. Rashid, L. Fuentes, "COMPASS: Composition-Centric Mapping of Aspectual Requirements to Architecture", Transactions on Aspect--Oriented Software Development: Special Issue on Early Aspects, (Accepted to Appear).

R. Chitchyan, A. Rashid (eds.), "Survey of Aspect--Oriented Analysis and Design", AOSD-Europe Project Deliverable: AOSD-Europe-ULANC-9 (available from: 2005.

R. Chitchyan, A. Rashid, P. Rayson, R. W. Waters, "Semantics-based Composition for Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering", Int'l Conf. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), 2007, ACM.

S. Clarke, E. Baniassad, Aspect-Oriented Analysis and Design: The Theme Approach: Addison-Wesley, 2005.

J. Grundy, "Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering for Component-based Software Systems", 4th IEEE Int'l Symp. on RE, 1999, IEEE CS, pp. 84--91.

C. Haley, R. Laney, B. Nuseibeh, "Deriving Security Requirements from Crosscutting Threat Descriptions", Int'l Conf. Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD), ACM, 2004.